Welcome to the Exam Success Formula Study Hub

a page dedicated for educators.

Academic success is a collaborative journey, and I’m excited to invite tutors, organisations or schools to join me in empowering students to help reach their ambitious potential through the

The Exam Success Formula Study Hub.

Educators, Why Should We Collaborate?

Are you a subject specialist who has a passion for teaching but you notice the following:

Your tuition sessions are spent prioritising exam technique and covering subject content. But, you run out of time to help your students develop important skills to learn more effectively.

You notice that your students struggle with revision skills, planning and applying your knowledge.

Your students feel overwhelmed, but your working week is full and you don’t have capacity to help.



This is where the Exam Success Formula can help

The Exam Success Formula Study Skills Hub offer tutors and pupils the convenience of accessing resources and tools anytime, anywhere, with an internet connection.

You can integrate Study Skills from the Study Hub into your tutoring sessions seamlessly or your students can support their studies with accessing their hub in their own time.

What Your Students Will Benefit From?

Building their confidence, towards their academic studies.

Benefit from exposure to multiple study skills and styles

Enhance their overall learning experience and confidence in academic growth.

What resources will students have access to?

Your students will have instant access to the Study Hub which covers 7 of the most common study challenges that they face.

There are a wide range of resources from:

  • Videos

  • Walkthrough videos

  • Downloadable templates.

Want to know more?

Download the free information page to find out more and 3 ways we can collaborate and work together.

Businesses Who I Have Partnered With…


KEW Tuition

Sarah Teaches GCSE English